What’s On Supplier Control Panel?

What’s On Supplier Control Panel?

Supplier Control Panel provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) for an exhibitor. The dashboard displays the number of Connections, Pending Connections, RFQ, Products, Meetings, Leads, and Chats. These numbers are updated in real-time providing the most accurate information.


O2O platform is using artificial intelligence tools to determine potential customers as prospects once they've been qualified as possessing predetermined characteristics. Generally, the prospect fits the exhibitor’s target market and has shown interest in the exhibitor’s products or exhibitor’s industry sector. 

Connect With Other Exhibitors 

Supplier Control Panel shows exhibitors that could be a potential match based on their product sector, packages, and other relevant factors. By clicking on the connect button, one can initiate exhibitor – exhibitor connections. 

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